Rakhine crime against humanity: UN envoy

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 Rakhine crime against humanity: UN envoy 
Against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar's Rakhine state, the army and the police are committing crimes against humanity. Myanmar, the UN Human Rights Special ryaportiyara iyanghi Lee said. The BBC report said on Friday.About violence committed against the Rohingya people in Rakhine Our World, a joint investigation by the BBC BBC niujanaita iyanghi Lee said, "I would say, a crime against humanity. Burma, Myanmar's army, the Border Guard or the police or the security forces to ensure a crime against humanity. "In January, the human rights situation in Myanmar to visit Lee iyanghi. But he was not allowed to visit freely in conflict areas.Fearing for her life fleeing Rohingyas in Rakhine see the iyanghi Lee visited Bangladesh in February. Rohingya in Bangladesh, he said. Li told the BBC iyanghi, the concept is much worse than the situation in Rakhine.Li's visit iyanghi report may be published on 13 March. The report will be referred to all the information available about the Rohingya issue is expected.Iyanghi Li, Rakhine security forces responsible for torture ruling Aung San Suu Kyi, the country's elected government can not avoid. Fierce persecution and brutal crimes committed against the people of their broad-based civilian government at the end of the day is the answer.Suu Kyi, Myanmar's government has been in power for nearly a year. Persecution of the Rohingya in Rakhine complaint Suu Kyi has refused to give interviews to the BBC.However, her National League for Democracy (NLD) spokesman said, pouring charges. Except that it is an internal matter of Myanmar. This is an international issue.Several security Myanmar border outpost on October 9 last year, terrorist attacks. Nine policemen were killed in the country. After the attack, the alleged terrorist crackdown against the country's security forces in Rakhine. Security forces on the Rohingya torture, persecution, murder, rape, gang rape, burning of houses, looting of serious allegations. Rakhine violent campaign in the face of more than 70 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh to escape.

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