Trump travel restrictions in the 6 country apart from the rest of Iraq

Trump travel restrictions in the 6 Country apart from the rest of Iraq
President of the Muslim countries in six trips to the United States imposed sanctions Donald Trump has become heated over the situation. On behalf of immigrant groups and civic organizations have protested. Triumph of the field and the court to confront a new executive order has been announced.Executive Order with the exception of the first round on Monday traveled to Iraq in the name of the new executive order signed nisedhajnasankranta Trump. The order will be effective from March 16.The new order of the six countries imposed sanctions on Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Travel restrictions on citizens of countries that have been given for 90 days. In the meantime, however, the citizens of countries that have a visa, the immigrant has grinakarda, who served as a diplomat, who has been accepted as a political refugee shelters or, to them, the ban has been relaxed.Trump's new executive order signed by President nirabei yesterday. The order of Homeland Secretary John Kelly, Secretary of State and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions Rex tilarsana briefed reporters. The three high-level administration officials told reporters at the release of a new executive order has not given any opportunity to ask questions.
Amnesty International has protested the new executive order, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the Brennan Center for jastisasaha various civil and human rights organizations. From Washington DC, Chicago, New York, big city of the civil rights movement of the workers and supporters quickly got down to protest. According to the protest gatherings, the new Executive Order is similar to previous orders. Target any particular religion contrary to the spirit of the American travel or immigration control. Do not presented evidence of any specific threats to national security that organizations have refused to ban travel or immigration.
Goyeithena sahaparicalaka Elizabeth Brennan Center, said the new executive order, and the court trying to mislead the American people were being Brennan Center, said in a statement. Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said Trump organization to understand the basis of the American Constitution, the tragic failure. Religious freedom and equal rights of the American Constitution and the law. This right will continue to fight to uphold the law.
A week after taking over the presidency in January last 0 7 January seven Muslim citizens travel restrictions on executive orders issued by Trump. The people protested in the cities of the United States. Countries are banned from many people stranded at airports. It is caused widespread chaos. The matter went to court. San Francisco federal court ruled against the executive order last trump. Triumph administration appealed to the high court in San Francisco federal court on behalf of the ninth circuit court upheld the lower court's judgment. This is almost the same as the new president of the Trump decree.
Six of the country's Muslim immigrants in the United States, according to the executive order still utkanthaya concern. Abhibasanabirodhitara bolster immigrants alert at all Bangladeshis. Arrests of illegal immigrants in order to increase the manpower increases new immigration category.
Moin Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi-born attorney in New York, the US Supreme Court said the first light, the new executive president of the Trump adesatio will be challenged in court. He said there is no reason Bangladeshis anxiety-anxiety. For a fundamental change in the law should be reformed system. Bangladeshi immigrants have applied for political asylum in the United States, those who are under the law of any kind, they have no reason to utkanthaya unnecessary.

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